PoP PHL Roadmap

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Functionally, PoP-PHL will run similar to the reference implementation: BTCSQ.


Official card here: https://github.com/VeriBlock/list-pop-coins/issues/10

  1. [DONE] Exploring
  2. [DONE] Development Backlog
  3. [DONE] Development Started -> must pass internal QA testing
  4. [IN-PROGRESS] Public End-to-End TestNet -> The pop-PHL package will be available and anyone could test it before the "Incentivized TestNet" period starts.
  5. Incentivized TestNet -> potentially a 2-4 week period (or longer, depending if bugs), where people can mine PHL and get a testnet token, which will somehow be incentivized (such as a potential trade-in).
    1. This will likely pop to VBK mainnet (and hence use mainnet VBK), but by convention be a testnet.
  6. MainNet -> this is the goal. MainNet will launch with a future blockheight where pop takes affect. This will allow people time to upgrade their daemon. Because PoP is a consensus change, MainNet will be a hard fork for PHL and maintained by the PHL community.