Roadmap FAQ

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General questions

Where is the Roadmap?

The VeriBlock project roadmap can be found here:

When can vBTC go to MainNet?

vBTC is the reference implementation for PoP on the Bitcoin code base. It is currently in TestNet.

The roadmap for vBTC to MainNet is here:

It primarily needs further testing of edge cases, and some final science before being MainNet-ready.

When Will Early-Adopter-Altchains go to MainNet?

We're glad to partner with our early adopter coins. Ideally an altchain only goes to MainNet once the software is properly hardened. In this case it is encouraged for altchains to let vBTC flesh out the bugs and reusable framework first, and then leverage that hardened code for their own MainNet.

Practically, besides their own community testing cycle, and altchain would need the following to be ready for MainNet:

  • vBTC to be MainNet ready
  • Incentived testing from larger-market cap coins to flesh out shared framework. As much of the framework is shared, large test volume from big market-cap coins will benefit early adopter coins.
  • Final vBFI science for MainNet