PoP Miner API
The VeriBlock PoP Mining software has an embedded HTTP API that makes available some basic functionality for third-party integrations. By default, this HTTP API is bound to Both the host address and port can be configured in the ncpop.properties file via the properties: http.api.address and http.api.port, respectively. If running multiple miners on a single machine, each miner will need at least the port configured uniquely or it will be unable to start the embedded HTTP server.
Any requests requiring a message body should be formatted as JSON, and conversely all responses will be formatted as JSON as well.
Setup the API
- [OPTIONAL] In "ncpop.properties", configure the http.api.address and http.api.port. If not configured, by default these will be
- Start the PoP Miner. See: https://wiki.veriblock.org/index.php?title=HowTo_run_PoP_Miner
- Ensure the PoP Miner is ready to mine. If the PoP Miner cannot run the "mine" command, then the API will not run the "mine" command either.
API Documentation
GET /api/config
Lists the effective configuration values. Same as running listconfig from the command-line. The response will be formatted as a JSON object in which each property name represents the configuration name and the property value represents the configuration value.
{ "auto.mine.round1": "false", "pop.cron.schedule": "", "bitcoin.fee.max": "8000", "bitcoin.fee.perkb": "20000", "http.api.port": "8600", "bitcoin.minrelayfee.enabled": "false", "nodecore.rpc.password": "", "nodecore.rpc.ssl": "false", "nodecore.rpc.cert.chain.path": "", "http.api.address": "", "bitcoin.network": "mainnet", "nodecore.rpc.host": "", "pop.action.timeout": "90", "nodecore.rpc.port": "10501", "auto.mine.round4": "false", "auto.mine.round3": "false", "auto.mine.round2": "false" }
PUT /api/config
Updates a single configuration value. Same as running setconfig from the command-line.
Request properties:
Property | Constraint | Data Type | Description |
key | Required | String | Represents the name of a configuration property to set. Possible values are listed under GET /api/config. |
value | Required | String | Represents the value to be set for a given configuration property. The value should be a string but must be convertible to the appropriate type for that configuration property. (E.g. "auto.mine.round1" must have a value of "true" or "false") |
{ "key": "auto.mine.round4", "value": "true" }
A successful request will return a 200 OK status code response with the following body:
[ {} ]
An unsuccessful action will return a 500 Server Error status code with some explanation for the failure in the body:
[ { "details": [ "Property 'pop.action.timeout' requires a positive integer value representing the number of seconds to wait before timing out." ] } ]
GET /api/operations
Lists the current running operations. Same as running listoperations from the command-line.
[ { "operationId": "ce3c3e8b", "endorsedBlockNumber": 22, "state": "RUNNING", "action": "Waiting for transaction to be included in Bitcoin block", "message": "" }, { "operationId": "736be6e4", "endorsedBlockNumber": 22, "state": "RUNNING", "action": "Waiting for transaction to be included in Bitcoin block", "message": "" } ]
GET /api/operations/:id
Gets the details of the specified operation. Same as running getoperation from the command-line. :id is to be substituted with an actual operation ID, e.g. GET /api/operations/797b3b15
{ "operationId": "ce3c3e8b", "status": "RUNNING", "currentAction": "WAIT", "miningInstruction": { "publicationData": [ ... ], "endorsedBlockHeader": [ ... ], "lastBitcoinBlock": [ ... ], "minerAddress": [ ... ], "endorsedBlockContextHeaders": [ [ ... ] ] }, "transaction": [ ... ], "submittedTransactionId": "2897ba47dfed819879ebe3c5cdbb17e56fcc15d49e3cb42331d2c683b949aeb3", "merklePath": "", "detail": "", "popTransactionId": "" }
POST /api/mine
Begins a new mining operation. Same as running mine from the command-line.
Request properties:
Property | Constraint | Data Type | Description |
block | Optional | Integer | Represents a specific block number to endorse in this mining operation. |
{ "block": 32040 }
By not specifying a block number the most recent VeriBlock block will be endorsed. An empty JSON object must be sent in the body:
If the miner is able to successfully begin a new operation a 200 OK response will be return with the following body:
{ "operationId": "c692ed9e", "failed": false, "messages": [ { "code": "V201", "message": "Mining operation started", "details": [ "To view details, run command: getoperation c692ed9e" ], "error": false } ] }
If the miner is unable to begin a 200 OK response will be returned, but will contain the following body:
{ "failed": true, "messages": [ { "code": "V412", "message": "Miner is not ready", "details": [ "Waiting for connection to NodeCore", "Bitcoin blockchain is not downloaded", "Bitcoin service is not ready" ], "error": true } ] }