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See: HowTo_PoP_vBTC, Altchain_PoP_Miner, Altchain_List

PHL is currently in the Beta release phase, so bugs are expected.

APM Successful Operation
PoP Mining Rewards


Placeholders has implemented VeriBlock's Proof-of-Proof technology, which allows users to earn testnet PHL while spending tVBK to secure the Placeholders blockchain.

Note: Currently in the testnet phase, so all coins are for testing purposes only and have no value, prior to mainnet implementation.

Windows Quick Start

  1. Download PHL Daemon and APM Package -> TODO
  2. You will need to run download_testnet_bootstrap. bat to download all the blocks.
  3. Move to the /bin folder and run nodecore.bat then wait for sync.
  4. Start PHL Daemon by double clicking start-placeh-qt.bat within the Placeholders-develop-<version> folder.
  5. Wait for Sync.
  6. Generate a new PHL address clicking on recive and create new address.
  7. Copy PHL testnet address into the application.conf file for payout rewards inside the altchain-pop-miner-<version->/bin/ folder..
  8. Start APM by running altchain-pop-miner.bat.
  9. Use VeriBlock testnet faucet at to fund your PoP miner wallet.

With the default configuration files provided, PoP mining is auto-enabled on all rounds and rewards should appear after 50 confirmations.

Run without full node

To be able to run without full node you must follow the same steps before but on the application.conf file you should disable connectDirectlyTo line , you can do it on linux by adding a # at the start of the line. Will be easier to get started, but may not be as robust as full node. Also if face any issues, use full node instead.

Run with full node (more robust)


Power users will use this

What it should look like

You should see PHL rewards from pop mining after about X blocks (about N hours). Your PHL reward address should increase.

You should see an end-to-end transaction in APM like so:

> getoperation vbtc366214b4
Operation workflow:
DONE      1. START                           Created APM operation id: vbtc366214b4
DONE      2. RETRIEVE_MINING_INSTRUCTION     Endorsed vBitcoin block height: 95
DONE      3. SUBMIT_ENDORSEMENT_TRANSACTION  tVBK endorsement transaction id: 43B8A911BCCF8B5D20E8D6374B22555CD1A1DD22B356461EDBDD23581900C660 (fee: 0.00248000)
DONE      5. DETERMINE_BLOCK_OF_PROOF        tVBK Block of Proof: 0000000005E4E0F3A62A5FCD7852BE4EDBAC033E836B07A8 @ 583257
DONE      6. PROVE_ENDORSEMENT_TRANSACTION   Merkle path has been verified
DONE      7. WAIT_FOR_KEYSTONE_OF_PROOF      tVBK Keystone of Proof: 000000001A1EFAB5F9890DD4182D57DF53519F5BD8676E45
DONE      8. GET_VBK_PUBLICATIONS            Retrieved 14 VTBs
DONE      9. SUBMIT_POP_TRANSACTION          VTBs submitted to vBitcoin! vBitcoin PoP TxId: 0a3fcf3d4db23eee84c922dcd535b949ba9bb0bbf353012f8ca77128287d8640
DONE     10. WAIT_FOR_PAYOUT_BLOCK           Payout detected in vBitcoin block 145 to vBitcoin address tb1qps3s9t9kz9atl6m666t57ehzy849la08wshahy!
DONE     11. COMPLETED                       Paid amount: 47.20500000


See PHL transactions on VeriBlock network:






GitHub Repository


Please submit issues to:
- GitHub:
- Discord "#altchain-pop-mining" channel: