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有关更多背景信息,请参阅: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Block_timestamp
有关更多背景信息,请参阅: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Block_timestamp
=== How to upgrade NodeCore and keep your wallet ===
As a testnet, new versions of NodeCore will be released. Upgrading is relatively fast.
As a testnet, new versions of NodeCore will be released. Upgrading is relatively fast.

Revision as of 05:31, 15 October 2018

Other languages:
English • ‎中文(中国大陆)‎

参见: Main_Page, NodeCore_Operations


NodeCore是运行VBK区块链的服务。 它采用Java编写,可以在Windows,Linux和Mac上运行。




Windows Mac 和 Linux
解压缩nodecore-*.zip文件到bin文件夹中,然后运行nodecore.bat 解压缩到首选目录,然后运行nodecore。

注意:在Linux和Mac系统上,您可能需要通过运行以下命令来让nodecore shell脚本可执行:

chmod a+x nodecore


NodeCore可能需要几分钟才能加载区块链中的所有块。 请参阅https://TestNet.Explore.Veriblock.org上的当前最高区块。 这显示了本地NodeCore必须加载的块数。 NodeCore将创建一个缓存文件,以便在重新启动程序时,下次加载的速度更快。




有关更多背景信息,请参阅: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Block_timestamp


As a testnet, new versions of NodeCore will be released. Upgrading is relatively fast.

If you do NOT have a previous wallet/address/balance, then this is easy, just download and run the new NodeCore.

If you do have a wallet/address/balance that you want to carry over, this is still easy, just make sure you do the following:

  1. Make sure you have a backup of your wallet! You could copy the testnet folder, or use the NodeCore_CommandLine#importwallet command from the NC_CLI.
  2. Unzip NodeCore to a new folder location - do not overwrite your previous version
  3. In the new version:
    1. Create a testnet folder (probably in "nodecore-0.X.X\bin")
    2. Copy in your previous wallet.dat and walletconfig.dat files into "nodecore-0.X.X\bin\testnet".
  4. When you run NC_CLI getinfo on the new version, you should see your previous wallet and balance

Nodecore import 1.png

How to upgrade NodeCore PoW and keep your Bitcoin testnet wallet

When upgrading your PoP miner, you can copy the file "bitcoin-pop-testnet.wallet" from the bin folder of your current PoP miner directory to the bin folder of your new PoP miner.

How to specify a data directory for NodeCore

NodeCore can take a data directory ~d as part of the startup.

Example for Linux:

cd /<myDir>/nodecore-0.1.7/bin
./nodecore -d ~/data/ > /dev/null 2>&1 &
  1. nodecore.properties will be in ~/data/nodecore.properties
  2. /testnet folder will be in ~/data/testnet

Example for Windows

cd <myDir>\nodecore-0.2.1-r2\bin
nodecore.bat -d C:\data

# nodecore.properties will be in C:\data\nodecore.properties
# /testnet folder will be in C:\data\testnet

How to send from a specific address?

As of 7/18/2018, the send command only sends from the default address, there is not a public way to select the address.

A workaround is to call the setdefaultaddress (see: NodeCore_CommandLine#setdefaultaddress )

Then 'send' will use that new address.


NodeCore is stuck on a block

Ideally this should not happen, but if it does first try restarting NodeCore.

Java out-of-memory

It is possible that you only have a 32-bit version of Java installed. 64-bit is highly recommended.

Modify the start file (nodecore.bat for windows, nodecore for linux) to increase the memory limit. Pass in a value, such as "1024 MB" into the DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS variable:


NodeCore keeps turning off with "Application exit"

If messages like:

INFO [main] n.Program [Program.java:133] Application exit

Then something external is shutting off NodeCore (such as a server restart, external process kill, or something else).

Having trouble on a mac

On a Mac, you need to install the JDK (Java Development Kit) instead of just the JRE: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html