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(Created page with "#确保您有钱包的备份! 您可以复制testnet文件夹,或使用NC_CLI中的NodeCore_CommandLine#importwallet命令。 #将NodeCore解压缩到新的文件夹...")
(Created page with "===如何升级NodeCore PoW并保留比特币testnet钱包===")
Line 54: Line 54:
=== How to upgrade NodeCore PoW and keep your Bitcoin testnet wallet ===
===如何升级NodeCore PoW并保留比特币testnet钱包===
When upgrading your PoP miner, you can copy the file "bitcoin-pop-testnet.wallet" from the bin folder of your current PoP miner directory to the bin folder of your new PoP miner.
When upgrading your PoP miner, you can copy the file "bitcoin-pop-testnet.wallet" from the bin folder of your current PoP miner directory to the bin folder of your new PoP miner.

Revision as of 05:45, 15 October 2018

Other languages:
English • ‎中文(中国大陆)‎

参见: Main_Page, NodeCore_Operations


NodeCore是运行VBK区块链的服务。 它采用Java编写,可以在Windows,Linux和Mac上运行。




Windows Mac 和 Linux
解压缩nodecore-*.zip文件到bin文件夹中,然后运行nodecore.bat 解压缩到首选目录,然后运行nodecore。

注意:在Linux和Mac系统上,您可能需要通过运行以下命令来让nodecore shell脚本可执行:

chmod a+x nodecore


NodeCore可能需要几分钟才能加载区块链中的所有块。 请参阅https://TestNet.Explore.Veriblock.org上的当前最高区块。 这显示了本地NodeCore必须加载的块数。 NodeCore将创建一个缓存文件,以便在重新启动程序时,下次加载的速度更快。




有关更多背景信息,请参阅: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Block_timestamp


由于当前是一个测试网络,将更为频繁的发布新版本的NodeCore。 因为更新进程较快。



  1. 确保您有钱包的备份! 您可以复制testnet文件夹,或使用NC_CLI中的NodeCore_CommandLine#importwallet命令。
  2. 将NodeCore解压缩到新的文件夹位置,请注意不要覆盖以前的版本。
  3. 在新版本中:
    1. 创建一个testnet文件夹(一般在“nodecore-0.X.X \ bin”中)
    2. 将之前的wallet.dat和walletconfig.dat文件复制到“nodecore-0.X.X\bin\testnet”中。
  4. 当您在新版本上运行NC_CLI getinfo命令时,您应该可以看到之前的钱包和余额。

Nodecore import 1.png

如何升级NodeCore PoW并保留比特币testnet钱包

When upgrading your PoP miner, you can copy the file "bitcoin-pop-testnet.wallet" from the bin folder of your current PoP miner directory to the bin folder of your new PoP miner.

How to specify a data directory for NodeCore

NodeCore can take a data directory ~d as part of the startup.

Example for Linux:

cd /<myDir>/nodecore-0.1.7/bin
./nodecore -d ~/data/ > /dev/null 2>&1 &
  1. nodecore.properties will be in ~/data/nodecore.properties
  2. /testnet folder will be in ~/data/testnet

Example for Windows

cd <myDir>\nodecore-0.2.1-r2\bin
nodecore.bat -d C:\data

# nodecore.properties will be in C:\data\nodecore.properties
# /testnet folder will be in C:\data\testnet

How to send from a specific address?

As of 7/18/2018, the send command only sends from the default address, there is not a public way to select the address.

A workaround is to call the setdefaultaddress (see: NodeCore_CommandLine#setdefaultaddress )

Then 'send' will use that new address.


NodeCore is stuck on a block

Ideally this should not happen, but if it does first try restarting NodeCore.

Java out-of-memory

It is possible that you only have a 32-bit version of Java installed. 64-bit is highly recommended.

Modify the start file (nodecore.bat for windows, nodecore for linux) to increase the memory limit. Pass in a value, such as "1024 MB" into the DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS variable:


NodeCore keeps turning off with "Application exit"

If messages like:

INFO [main] n.Program [Program.java:133] Application exit

Then something external is shutting off NodeCore (such as a server restart, external process kill, or something else).

Having trouble on a mac

On a Mac, you need to install the JDK (Java Development Kit) instead of just the JRE: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html