HowTo run and connect to PoW Miner pool

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See: Main_Page, NodeCore_Networking

Setup a Pool

Modify the file:

#Allow the pool statistics page to be reachable from any remote host

#Allow the UCP pool server to be reachable from any remote host
  1. Run an instance of NodeCore
  2. In the NodeCore_CommandLine, run startpool
  3. Make note of the public IP (pool miners will connect to this)

Connect to an Existing Pool

  1. Run the PoW Miner
  2. Specify thread count to mine on
  3. Connect to the IP and port provided by the pool owner (Note that pools generally want to maximize users, to pools binding to allow connections from any IP)
  4. Enter the address to mine to (run getinfo from the NodeCore_CommandLine)

You can see pool results by viewing the web page:


NC Pool 1b.png


Cannot see the pool web page

Check for http (as in http://<IP_Address>:8500), not https

Ensure that the file has been updated per above steps (and NodeCore was restarted).

I start the pool but another computer can not connect its IP

Set this option in your file (See:


And restart NodeCore and the pool software