NodeCore 0.4.11 ReleaseNotes

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See: ReleaseNotes

This minor release mainly addresses issues that came with the 0.4.10 release: the vProgPoW milestone.


Performance has been the main issue with vProgPoW. While the nodes and PoP miners don't need to compute millions of hashes they still need to hash every block. Our CPU version of vProgPoW was not performing very well, which drastically affected the responsiveness of the software.

  • The performance of our vProgPoW CPU hashing library has been increased approximately twenty fold. This will decrease the performance loss NodeCore, the PoP miners and SPV had.
  • NodeCore's P2P code has been optimized so that it does not have to load and hash full blocks when only their headers are requested by peers.
  • Wallet locking/unlocking has been optimized for large wallet files.



  • General improvements in code speed and reliability.
  • Configurability has been improved. Now SPV can be configured to connect directly to the desired peers.
  • After the optimizations vProgPoW is still heavier to compute than vBlake, and in some use cases we will want SPV to take less than 2 hours to load the blockchain. We are working on an elegant solution to that, but for the time being we have added a provisional configuration to prevent it from hashing the blocks, trusting the bootstrap nodes (disabled by default).

In order to have more details about SPV and how to run and configure it, please visit: HowTo_run_SPV