Translations:Altchain PoP Lifecycle/10/en

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VTB – VeriBlock-to-Bitcoin

  1. APM assembles, but calls NC to build it
  2. Big container:
    1. VBKPoPTransaction: A VeriBlock-to-Bitcoin transaction containing a Bitcoin transaction authenticated to a provided Bitcoin block header with a Bitcoin merkle root, sufficient Bitcoin block headers to provide Bitcoin context to the VeriBlock network, and VeriBlock PoP miner payout information
    2. VBKMerklePath: A VeriBlock Merkle Path proving inclusion of the VBKPoPTransaction in the VBKHeaderOfProof
    3. VBKHeaderOfProof: VeriBlock block header of the VeriBlock block containing the VBKPoPTransaction
    4. VBKContextHeader[]: Array of VeriBlock headers which ContainingVBKHeader to the last-known VeriBlock header of the altchain

Tx: Altchain PoP transaction containing an ATV and VTBs