Altchain vBFI Preview

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See: BTCSQ, How_VeriBlock_PoP_vBFI_Protects_Altchains


This beta has not officially shipped, there will be bugs.


This is a preview of Altchain vBFI.


There is vBFI applies to VeriBlock NodeCore network itself, and Altchain vBFI applies to an altchain network (such as BTCSQ). Each pop-secured altchain would have its own monitoring.

There is (1) an API and (2) web visualization.

Eventually this will be included in the explorer, but for now this is a one-off branch.

Altchain vBFI

VeriBlock vBFI

For the UI visual, a fork would show up in red, similar to here: How_VeriBlock_PoP_vBFI_Protects_Altchains#vBFI_Example.

The Altchain and VeriBlock vBFI controls are very similar - both have a SP (Security Providing) and SI (Security Inheriting) chain.

VBFI Altchain 1.png