See: Social_Links
We are currently creating a VeriBlock StackExchange.
Recall there are several steps to create a stack exchange site. The first step is the "definition phase" where enough followers join and questions get asked.
The proposal is currently in DEFINITION stage
Do these steps
Goto the page
To join, please click here:
Log in
Follow the community
The next step requires 60 followings, so be sure to click "Follow".
Add a question
The next step requires at least 40 questions (submitted from multiple different people)... so add a new helpful question!
Upvote other questions you'd find helpful
The next step requires 40 more questions with a score of 10 or more... so don't just follow, upvote questions you'd fine helpful!
What should it look like?
Success looks like so:
- You show up as a follower
- When you sort by "my votes", you'll see 5 red arrows for questions you upvoted.
And if you click on your profile, you should see questions asked and upvotes made: