Altchain vBFI Preview

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See: BTCSQ, How_VeriBlock_PoP_vBFI_Protects_Altchains



This is a preview of Altchain vBFI (sometimes referred to in developer shorthand as "ABFI"),

This product has not officially shipped, there will be bugs.


There is vBFI applies to VeriBlock NodeCore network itself, and Altchain vBFI applies to an altchain network (such as BTCSQ). Each pop-secured altchain would have its own ABFI monitoring.

There is (1) an API and (2) web visualization.

Eventually this will be included in the explorer, but for now this is a one-off branch.



For the UI visual, a fork would show up in red, similar to here: How_VeriBlock_PoP_vBFI_Protects_Altchains#vBFI_Example.

The ABFI and vBFI controls are very similar - both have a SP (Security Providing) and SI (Security Inheriting) chain.

VBFI Altchain 1.png